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Policy Statement

It is the policy of the University that Faculty and Staff report for duty at the assigned time and place, remain on duty during scheduled work hours, and accurately report hours worked and leave taken in accordance with State and Federal law.

Reason for Policy

Faculty and Staff work attendance has a direct effect on the ability of a department or school to perform work and/or provide services in support of the University’s mission. 

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty and Staff


The University expects regular and timely attendance from all Faculty and Staff. Such attendance, in addition to being essential to the efficient operation of the department or school, is also used as a measure of overall job performance. Regular attendance is essential if the University is to provide a quality student experience.

Whenever possible, notice must be given to the department or school if any employee is unable to report for scheduled work or is delayed.

The Department Head, Supervisor, or Dean, or their designated representative, must approve any Faculty or Staff member leaving work before their scheduled work time.

Faculty or Staff who are frequently late reporting for work, or excessively absent due to unscheduled absences from work and/or excessively absent on days before or after scheduled days off, or holidays off, are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, termination.

The Department Head, Supervisor, or Dean should communicate the process employees should follow in order to report for work, call in sick, or if they will be late reporting to work.

Absence for three consecutive workdays without notification to the supervisor is considered deliberate and willful misconduct and may be cause for dismissal.


Whenever possible, notice must be given to the Department Head, Supervisor, or Dean if any member of the Faculty or Staff is unable to report for work or is delayed.


Excessive absenteeism, regardless of the reason for the absences, is considered grounds for disciplinary action, and if severe, such action can include termination of employment. Excessive absenteeism is defined as any pattern of absence that is determined to be detrimental to the operations of a department, or the University.


Document History

Policy Origination Date: January 16, 2023

Who Approved This Policy

Associate Vice President of Human Resources 


Associate Director of Human Resources
Rivers Memorial