
Students in science lab

Psychology Department Research

Ignite your curiosity, share your expertise

Our students work closely with faculty to design, execute, and present research in a variety of areas. Participating firsthand in basic exploratory research affords you the opportunity to gain valuable research skills, present your findings, and attend regional and international meetings in psychology and neuroscience.

Student Research

Our students work closely with faculty and graduate fellows to design, execute, and present research in a variety of areas. 

Sample Student Projects

  • Teaching interview skills to college students.
  • Teaching tacting of private events based on public accompaniments: audience control.
  • The analysis and treatment of problem behavior related to transitions.
  • Evaluating efficacy and preference of parameters of positive reinforcement.
  • An efficient and complete functional assessment and treatment process.
  • Improving on-task behavior using a tactile prompt for college students with AD/HD.
  • A triangulated assessment of math-related stereotype threat.
  • Functional behavior assessment and treatment of problem behavior in a school setting.
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of and Children’s Preference for Dimensions of Positive Reinforcement: Choice and Reliability of Reinforcer Delivery.
  • An Evaluation of Relational Practice, Gender, and Managerial Status in the Workplace.
  • A Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep: An Empirical Evaluation of Adult Sleep Problems.
  • Effects of Pre-Session Exposure to Reinforcement on Skill Acquisition.
  • The Impact of Flextime on Perceived Organizational Support: An Investigation of Gender and Parental Status.
  • A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of a Rape Prevention Program on Rape Myth Acceptance, Attitudes Toward Rape Victims, and Date Rape Attitudes.
  • Improving the Conversational Skills of a College Student with High Functioning Autism.
  • The Effect of Name Stereotypes on Job Applicants Based on Gender and Race.
  • The Use of a Structured Interview and Chronotherapy to Improve Adult Sleep Problems.
  • Evaluation of Teaching Errors Related to Prompt Dependent Behavior.
  • Performance Effectiveness in Greeting Behavior: A Combination of Graphed and Written Feedback.
  • A Comparative Analysis of Strategies for Teaching Delay Tolerance.
  • Teaching Independent Completion of a Complex Task to a Typically-Developing Preschooler
  • Efficacy and Generality of a Parent Training Model using Behavioral Skills Training with  Individualized Examples
  • The Role of Gender, Managerial Status, and Relational Orientation on Perceptions of Effectiveness and Submissiveness
  • An Investigation of the Influence of Bodyweight and Gender on Appraisal of Résumés
  • The Effects of Gender and Race Biases on Hireability
  • Determining the Range of Severity of Problem Behavior during Functional Analyses
  • Transitions from Rich to Lean Reinforcement as Error Correction Procedures
  • Evaluating the Effects of Reinforcer Magnitude on Skill Acquisition
  • Evaluating the Stability of Paired-Item Preference Analyses
  • The Effects of Font Style and Cognitive Processing on the Perceptions of Recommendation Letters
  • A Community-Level Assessment of Pay-As-You-Throw Recycling in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 
  • Political affiliation and Community Recycling Behavior.
  • Blood pressure negativity: An archival analysis.

Research Outcomes

  • Students are coauthors on articles in peer-reviewed journals including:
    • Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
    • Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • Students have presented research at regional, national and international conferences including:
      • Eastern Psychological Association
      • New England Psychological Association
      • Association for Behavior Analysis International
      • Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy
      • Connecticut Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy
    • Award
      • Connecticut Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy Student Poster Award (Spring 2013)